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The annual General Assembly is the most relevant event of the network. It is scheduled during the second semester of each year and hosted by our member institutions. This space offers the possibility to review any pending business of the network, exchange good practices in internationalization and plan future activities.

Additional events have been organized by the Presidency of the network with the objective of promoting spaces to discuss topics of common interest to all members.




Bath, United Kingdom

The 2023 GA has been hosted in UK by the University of Bath on November 20th and 21st.

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Monterrey, Mexico

Tecnológico de Monterrey hosted the 2022 GA in Monterrey, Mexico, on November 7th and 8th.


The 2021 GA was originally planned to be held in Bath (University of Bath, UK) in September. Similar to 2020, due to the traveling restrictions derived from the COVID 19 pandemic, it was offered in a virtual format and organized by Universidad de los Andes (Colombia). University of Bath will be hosting the Network’s annual GA in September 2023.

save yhe date 2021 virtual
save the date 2020


This GA was originally planned to be held in November 2020 in Chile (Santiago de Chile and Valparaiso) under the organization of Universidad de Chile, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile and Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María. However, due to the COVID 19 pandemic, it was changed to a virtual event planned by Universidad de los Andes (Colombia).

Nantes, France

École Centrale de Nantes (France) hosted the 2019 GA during September 30th and October 1st.

asamblea nantes
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Bogotá, Colombia

The 2018 GA was hosted by Universidad de los Andes and Pontifica Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá (Colombia) on November 19th and 20th.



June 25th, 2020

This webinar was the first encounter of the network during the pandemic. The webinar, moderated by Viviana Ruiz from Universidad de Chile, permitted to know how some of our members were facing different challenges with  internationalization-related activities during the pandemic, and shared good practices and future plan for the coming months.

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April 7th,2021

Mirko Varano, senior advisor for international projects in KTH, presented a summary of the main characteristics of the Erasmus Joint Program, so our members can understand the strengths and challenges of the program and explore potential partenerships.


October 6th,2021

The development of global competences in our students are fundamental so they can become professionals able to face some of the main challenges of the XXI century. This webinar explored how to promote these competences in higher education institutions, with an emphasis in the development of intercultural skills and undergraduate research skills during abroad experiences.


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