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The Magalhães Network was formed in 2005 to increase the academic exchange and collaboration between Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean.  Member Universities are faculties/schools of technology, engineering and architecture. Some are public, some are private. 


The Magalhães Network offers added value to member Universities, their students and staff:

- Effective tools for student exchange 
- Systematic exchange of best practices for                              internationalization 
- A platform to build relations that can be used to develop joint projects between member Universities.


Magalhães Network 10 years - 2005-2015 booklet



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The General Assembly, held annually, is the decision-making body. The Steering Committee is the executive body; it is formed by six member Universities, three from each continent. The Magalhães Network has a President and a Vice-President, representing the two continents. The Presidency is elected for two years and may be re-elected for a second term. The secretariat of the Network follows the President. 

The Presidency has been held by: 
           - Universidad Politecnica de
 Madrid, Spain (2005-2010) 
           - Universidad do Saõ Paulo, Brazil (2011-2014) 
           - Lund University, Sweden (2015-2018)

           - Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (2019-2022)

           - Politecnico di Torino (2023-today)


Estudiantes universitarios



Gothenburg 2025: 35th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition

The 35th Annual EAIE Conference and Exhibition will be held on September 9th to 12th, 2025 in Gothenburg, Sweden. This year’s conference theme is ‘GO-create’ and the event will take place at the Svenska Mässans conference center.


NAFSA 2025 Annual Conference & Expo

Join peers and experts at the premier global professional learning and networking event for all international educators and organizations that support international education for the NAFSA 2025 Annual Conference & Expo, "Purpose, Place, and Partnership", which will be held in San Diego, CA, USA from May 27th to 30th, 2025.

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Welcome to APAIE 2024!

The APAIE Conference and Exhibition brings together thousands of professionals who are passionate about international education from across the globe to the Asia-Pacific region to network, improve professional skills and learn about new developments in international education. Next edition will be held in Dehli, India, on March 24th to 28th, 2025.


Send a message to the Secretariat of the Magalhães Network

or contact us at


If you are a student interested in participating in a mobility abroad in an engineering or architecture program in a member University of the Network, please refer to the International Office of your university.

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